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Five Ways to Stay Safe When Working with Robots

Robots come in several different forms, and with an increasing number of workplaces switching over to a more automated production system, safety in the workplace has further stretched to include staying safe and protected when working alongside automated machines and technology. As the number of robot installations increases, so has the number of people who are regularly working alongside robotic colleagues. We’ve put together some basic safety steps to help eliminate the risk of accidents when humans and robots are sharing the same work environment.

Working with Robots

#1. Be Aware of All Potential Hazards:

The safety risk of working alongside machines will vary greatly, depending on the robot and the application that is it programmed to do. Safety risks will depend on a number of different factors, so begin with a well-thought-out risk assessment, keeping in mind the robot’s job, it’s capabilities and downfalls. It’s worth keeping in mind that the majority of robot-related accidents will occur during non-routine operating conditions, such as maintenance, testing, adjustment or setup tasks.

#2. Use Simulation Software:

A reputable simulation software program can make it easier for you to be prepared for anything that might happen when working alongside robots. You can use it in the 3D, a virtual world to model all of the various robotic movements, obstacles, and potential scenarios involving a collision. In addition, the up-to-date software can also help keep you regularly updated on new build issues that are worth being aware of.

#3. Ensure Clear Instructions are Provided:

It’s vital to ensure that anybody who is expected to carry out their job in close proximity to robots is provided with clear usage and safety instructions. Ensuring that every affected employee is provided with clear, regular operator training and refresher courses, in addition to being issued with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), can help to reduce the risk of incidents.

#4. Create and Use Adaptive Zones:

Today, it’s more than possible to program, enable and disable zones that robots can and cannot enter, depending on the task at hand. This feature makes it easier to control where robots can operate in the workplace, thus creating strict boundaries to reduce the level of risk. In addition, take the time to define the robot’s maximum speed, whether this is during normal, routine operations or adjusted to suit a certain task or event.

#5. Ensure Compliance with Machine Safety Standards:

Last but not least, it’s vital to understand that robots are machines and should always be considered as such when it comes to compliance with safety standards and protocols. Ensure that your system meets performance level safety standards and conduct regular assessments to make sure that all information is kept up to date. As with all manufacturing or workplace machines, it’s vital to ensure that all robots are kitted out with emergency stops and safety controls to reduce the risk of electrical hazards and collisions. Visit Stronghold Safety for more information.

Working with robots is becoming more and more commonplace in today’s workplaces, so staying safe in their presence is vital.

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