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3 Signs That It Is Time to Automate Your Packaging

Businesses embrace automation to cut on costs, save time, improve productivity, meet demand, enhance the effective use of materials, and promote workers’ safety. However, making the transition from manual to automated packaging is a tough decision for many companies. The reluctance comes due to the cost involved and the uncertainty on whether the investment will give better results than the manual processes. If you are in this dilemma, below are some key indicators that can confirm to you whether or not the right time to make that step forward is now.

Automate Your Packaging

You are Unable to Meet the Demand

The most obvious sign that you need machine help is if you are unable to meet the customer demand with your current workforce and additional temporary staff. When you don’t meet the demand, you end up on missing out on sales. Losing sales robs you of the profits you could have invested in growing your business. Additionally, when you deliver late to your repeat customer, they may stop ordering from you and find an alternative manufacturer.

If you have reached your maximum hire capacity and still can’t meet the demands, consider automating some of the processes. Having the machines will reduce the heavy workload for your existing staff and give them enough time to focus more effectively on other processes. The same case applies where you are unable to find workers.

Injuries and High Staff Turnover

Another indication of the need to automate is when injuries are reported every day and a high number of employees are leaving employment. This can be a sign that the packaging process is strenuous and causing harm to the workers. The tough tasks not only cause pain at the moment but could have a long-term effect on the workers’ back and muscles. Thus, you need to evaluate your processes and make the necessary investments to enhance worker safety.

Packaging is Slowing Down Manufacturing

If the manufacturing process has to slow down to allow enough time for packing, you may need to review your processes. When the packaging line can’t keep up with the output, the company ends up manufacturing less than its capacity. In short, you will be limiting your output and sales potential. If the slow down lasts only for a short period, you can consider hiring more staff. However, when the gap is big, and can’t be filled even when you hire more people, the best solution is to invest in a case erector machine and other equipment that can hasten the process.

However, even as you are automating your packaging processes, don’t throw your employees under the bus. They have worked hard to see your business grow and thus as you reduce the packaging workforce, give them other roles in your business. After all, no business can run successfully on automation only; human input is critical. Amazon is one of the companies that has managed to do a good job balancing between machine and human labor. You can even consider creating new departments that will bring in more business.

Additionally, when shopping for automation machinery, ensure that you get one that can handle the specific needs of your company. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a solution include the nature of your products, manufacturing output, product demand and the packaging material.

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